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CBIC exempts SWS on EVs imported under the Ministry of Heavy Industries’ Scheme to promote manufacturing of electric passenger cars in India.

The CBIC vide Notification No. 20/2024-Customs dated March 15, 2024 has issued further amendments in its Notification No. 11/2018-Customs, dated February 02, 2018, to exempt SWS on EVs imported under of the Ministry of Heavy Industries’ Scheme to promote manufacturing of electric passenger cars in India.

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962) read with section 110 of the Finance Act, 2018 (13 of 2018), the Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 11/2018- Customs, dated February 02, 2018 published in the Gazette of India , Extraordinary , Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R 114 (E), dated February 02, 2018, namely :-

In the said notification, in the Table , against Sl. No 57, in column (2), after item (iv), and before the words “of the Table”, the following item shall be inserted, namely: –


Sl. No. Description of goods
(1) (2)
57. All goods falling under heading 8703 covered under-

(i) column (3), sub-item (b) of item (1) of S. No. 526;

(ii) column (3), sub-item (b) of item (2) of S. No. 526;

(iii) column (3), sub-item (b) of item (1) of S. No. 526A;

(iv) column (3), sub-item (b) of item (2) of S. No. 526A;

(v) column (3), sub-item (c) of item (2) of S. No. 526A;

of the Table appended to the notification No. 50/2017-Customs dated June 30, 2017, published in the Gazette of India vide no G.S.R. 785(E) dated June 30, 2017.

The Notification can be accessed at: https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1010042/ENG/Notifications

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