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Copyright Registration In India

5,000+Copyright Registration since 2011

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What is Copyright Registration?

  • Intellectual Property Rights are an important asset in intangible form for any business, start-up, or enterprise. Copyright is a right given by the law to creators of literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings.
  • It allows the creator the right of reproduction, assignment, adaptation, and translation the work. Therefore, copyright safeguards authors’ rights over their original creations, protecting and rewarding their creativity.
  • Copyright is automatically created when the creator creates anything. The law on copyright registration in India is important because it gives the creator a legal right in public so that others may not exploit the creator’s work. According to the law, registration of copyright isn’t mandatory, but registering copyright serves as evidence in a court of law for ownership disputes.
  • In India, the Copyright Act, of 1957, and the Copyright Rules 2013 are the current laws in force in relation to copyright.

Benefits of Copyright Registration In India

  • A public record of ownership– When a work is copyrighted, it is registered on a public record, thereby establishing ownership.
  • Copyright infringement– In the case of copyright infringement, the authors can sue infringers to secure their work and claim statutory compensation.
  • Prevents importing of duplicates– The owners can record the copyright registration with the Indian customs and prevent importing duplicate copies of the work.
  • Commercial use of by-products– Have control over by-products or derivatives created from the original registered work for commercial purposes.
  • Transfer of copyright– The rights can be passed or sold to a third party by the original copyright holder.
  • Ensures protection– Copyright registration enables the owners to exhibit their work without the fear that it will be replicated without authorisation.

Procedure for Copyright Registration in India

  • Consultation and Collection of Documents

    In the initial stage, you need to furnish us with the necessary information from the checklist for copyright registration. Following this, we will offer guidance on the copyright registration process and the associated fees.

  • Preparation of Copyright Application

    In the next step, we shall prepare the application for copyright registration and fill up the required form and application, including the Statement of Particulars and Statement of Further Particulars.

  • Filing of Copyright Application

    Once, the copyright application is ready to submit, we shall submit and file it along with the required documents and government fees. You will receive the government acknowledgement receipt, challan, and a unique diary number after successful submission.

  • Examination by the Copyright Office

    Once the application is filed, there is a minimum waiting period of 30 days, in which objection can be raised by any third party. After the waiting period, the copyright shall be examined and securitized by Copyright Office.

  • Registration of Copyright

    After the examination and scrutinization by the Copyright Office, it shall enter the details of the copyright in the register of copyrights and then issue a Certificate of Registration to the applicant

Documents Required For Copyright Registration

Rights of Copyright Owners

Copyright Registration Online – Before addressing the remedies for infringement, it is critical to comprehend the rights that a copyright owner holds. Owners of valid copyrights are entitled to:

  • Publicly display the work that has been published
  • Create the piece in a tangible medium
  • Any translation of the work should not be created, replicated, performed, or published
  • Create any necessary adaptations and distribute the content via broadcast, radio, or cable

The first author of the work has the following exclusive rights:

  • Duplicate the work
  • Create a derivative using the source material
  • Publicly perform the work after it has been distributed
  • Showcase the artwork in a professional context
  • Seek redress if a work’s copyright is being used without permission.

Apart from this the following rights belong to a copyright owner, and only they have the authority to transfer them to another party:

  • No one may duplicate or reproduce a work that is protected by copyright in india, in whole or in part, without the owner’s permission
  • The creator has the sole right to adapt and use their work however they see fit (e.g., a book into a movie)
  • Public communication rights: The sole right to broadcast their original works to the general public
  • Owners of artistic and musical works have the sole right to public performances of their creations
  • The right of attribution or paternity suggests that the owner or creator may assert sole authorship over their creative production. In other words, they can claim responsibility for it
  • The owner has the legal right to sue if their creation is misrepresented or altered without their permission
  • Right of distribution: The sole right to make their work available in any format they choose (through selling, reproducing, leasing, lending, renting, or transferring).


Free Consultation and Documentation
  • Our Expert team resolve your queries. Our consultation is completely free.
Action Required by you
  • You Need to fill up the draft, Make Payment and Submit Documents to Khata Dekho
Action By Khata Dekho
  • Once the Documents are uploaded we’ll start the step -by-step process of Incorporation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Works that are not set in a tangible form such as ideas, processes, methods, systems, procedures, concepts, regulations, discoveries, unwritten speeches, etc. cannot be copyrighted.

The copyright owner has the complete rights to:

  • Duplicate and spread the work in copies or phonorecord to the people by sale or transfer of ownership or license.
  • Construct additions to the original work or change it, display, present or complete them among the public
  • Exclude others to claim ownership or employment without the original creators’ consent.

Legal notices can be sent to that person. And, even after that, the infringement resumes, and you can claim your exclusive right in the court of law to claim impairments.

No, there is no such mechanism to explore for already existing works on the copyright registry website

The laws of copyright and design apply to jewelry. It is preferable to bear copyright protection on the illustrations of the design as artwork due to the extended protection delivered under copyright law than that delivered under the design laws.

(a)Literary, Dramatic, Musical, or Artistic work: Rs. 500/- per work

(b)Delivered that in respect of a Sound Recording, Cinematograph Film, Literary or Artistic work which is utilized or is capable of being employed in relation to any goods (under section 45): Rs. 2,000/- per work

Copyright protection is valid for a period of 60 years; in case it is literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic works the 60-year period is calculated from the year following the death of the author/creator. For cinematography films, sound recordings, and photographs, the 60-year period is calculated from the date of publication. For broadcasting, the term is 25 years from the start of the calendar year following the year in which it was first broadcasted.

Copyrights can be sold, transferred, assigned, or licensed by original creators.

A website can copyright its original authorship. But a domain name cannot be covered under copyright law. However, every work e.g. photographs, videos, etc would be regarded as a separate work and a separate application fee requires to be paid for each of them.

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