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Trademark Registration In India

5,000+ Trademark Registration since 2011

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Following the Indian Trademarks Act of 1999 (Section 2(zb)), a trademark is a distinctive marker that distinguishes products or services from competitors in the market. It encompasses various elements such as symbols, designs, expressions, or any identifiable feature linked to a specific brand. Remarkably, trademarks are open to ownership by individuals, corporations, or legal entities, making them accessible to a broad spectrum of entities and individuals alike.

Advantages Of Trademark Registration

Exclusive Usage Rights
  • One of the significant benefits of trademark registration is that it grants exclusive rights over the trademark. The trademark owner can apply the same for all the products or goods falling under the classes for which it is registered. The trademark registration provides the exclusive right to take legal action against third parties who use a similar or identical mark without authorised permission for their products.
Builds Goodwill
  • The other benefits of trademark registration is that it helps to establish goodwill and trust in a brand. The goodwill of the brand increases when it becomes popular amongst customers. It helps to create regular loyal customers who recognise products or goods from its brand and opt for the same brand. A trademark having a good reputation and goodwill can also help obtain funds from financial institutions.
Differentiates Products and Services
  • A trademark aims to distinguish goods and services from its competitors and create a brand identity. Trademark registration makes it easy to commercialise or market a product or service with a unique brand identity in line with the market requirements. The brand identity communicates the company’s quality, vision and several other features of the products and establishes its uniqueness amongst customers.
Protection Against Infringement
  • When third parties use a registered trademark for their products or goods without the owner’s permission, it amounts to infringement. It means that if a third party violates the registered trademark, the trademark owner has a right to take legal action against them for infringement. In a case of infringement, the court can order to stop the third party from using the registered trademark and even give back the profits made by using such a trademark to the registered owner.
Protection For Ten Years
  • A trademark registration is valid for ten years. Once it is registered, it cannot be used in an unauthorised way by a third party for ten years. Thus, it helps to protect the brand for ten years in a cost-effective manner. After ten years, the owner should apply for renewal of the trademark for ten more years.
Global Trademark Registration
  • When a trademark is registered in India, it does not grant global registration. However, the Indian trademark registration can be used as a base for an international trademark application. When the trademark obtains international registration, i.e. registration in a foreign country, a third party cannot use the trademark in that foreign country and establishes its uniqueness and distinctiveness in the global market.

Disadvantages Of Trademark Registration

No Alteration of Trademark Classes
  • One disadvantage of trademark registration is that once it is registered under one class, it cannot be applied for goods belonging to other classes of the same company. More than one trademark class can be chosen while filing the registration application. However, the trademark class cannot be altered once the application is filed. If the company starts selling goods under another trademark class, it must apply again and get the trademark registration for that class of goods. Thus, a company must choose the trademark classes relevant to the goods and services when applying for registration.
Trademark Opposition
  • After filing the trademark registration application, it will be published in the Trademark Journal. Anyone can raise opposition to registration when it is published in the trademark journal. When the opposition is filed, the Registrar of Trademarks will go through the opposition, counterstatement, and evidence and conduct a hearing. It can only be registered when the Registrar of Trademarks decides in favour of registering the trademark after conducting the opposition proceedings. The trademark opposition process is time-consuming, and the owner may have to pay the fees of a legal counsel for defending the trademark registration.
Renewal Every Ten Years
  • Trademark registration is valid for ten years and requires renewal after every ten years. At the time of renewal, the renewal fees need to be paid. Non-payment of the renewal fees at the time of renewal, i.e. every ten years, can result in the removal of the trademark from the Trademarks Register.
Limited Protection
  • When it comes to protecting products or services, a trademark is the weakest property rights among copyright and patent protection. Trademarks do not always protect the products. It protects only the marketing concepts. Therefore, trademark registration grants limited protection compared to other property rights protection.
Descriptive Trademarks Cannot be Registered
  • A trademark owner cannot choose a descriptive trademark. They must create a unique trademark for their products and services. Descriptive and generic trademarks do not qualify for trademark registration.
  • The benefits of trademarks outweigh their disadvantages. A trademark helps in the growth of the business and in gaining more customers. Thus, it is better to register it to prevent its unauthorised usage by third parties.

Steps to Register: 

  • Step-1  Select Package:
    To Get Started, Choose The Right One, Fill Out The Required Forms, Or Speak To Our Experts Online.
  • Step-2 Get Your Name Approved:
    We will help you identify unique names, and get them approved by filing the RUN form.
  • Step-3 Obtain Digital: Signatures:
    We will help you apply for the MoA after obtaining digital signatures and will generate a link to complete eKYC verification.
  • Step-4 Drafting of LLP Deed:
    A team of experts will draft the LLP Deed According to your given Information And also With the Best clauses.
  • Step-5 Final Document Submission:
    Company incorporation documents can then be presented to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). We prepare the LLP Partnership Deed and upload it on the MCA portal.
  • Step-6 (Last Step): Check Application Status:
    We will keep you updated about the status of your application throughout the registration process.

Documents Required For Trademark Registration

For Pvt Ltd Company And LLP

For Partnership Firm

For Individuals

Trademark Classes

There are 45 trademark classes and all the goods and services are categorised across these classes. You need to be very careful while picking the classes as it will determine the validity of your trademark registration for your business’ products/services. If your business operates across different goods/services that fall under different classes, you have to ensure that you can apply for a trademark online under all the applicable classes.

Some of the popular trademark classes in India are:

  • Class 9: which includes computer software and electronics,
  • Class 25: which includes clothing,
  • Class 35: which includes business management and advertising, and
  • Class 41: which includes education and entertainment.

If you are operating within these trademark classes, the competition for a trademark might be higher. However, that shouldn’t matter as long as your mark is unique.


Free Consultation and Documentation
  • Our Expert team resolve your queries. Our consultation is completely free.
Action Required by you
  • You Need to fill up the draft, Make Payment and Submit Documents to Khata Dekho
Action By Khata Dekho
  • Once the Documents are uploaded we’ll start the step -by-step process of Incorporation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Trademark Registry has classified goods and services under 45 classes. Each class lists a host of goods/services and depending on those you are offering, you need to mention the class(es) on your trademark application. The trademark would be registered and protected under those classes only.
If your trademark is similar to an existing application, it would hurt religious sentiments, contain geographical names, or common words. It would also be rejected if it is likely to confuse.
As soon as you file the application and receive an acknowledgement, you can use the ™ symbol. Once the registration process is complete, you can use the ® symbol.
If your brand name has already been registered, but under a different class, you’re still in luck. Unless the brand is too well known (like McDonald’s or Fiat), your application is likely to be approved.
You can’t get the word, but all is not lost. You could instead design a unique logo for your business and include the name in it. So there is a way out, but it is best to have a unique name.
It depends entirely on the government’s judgement. But if it is unique, it is highly likely that it will be granted.
It can take anywhere between 6 months to 1 year for your trademark to be approved. However, we can apply and start using the â„¢ symbol within a few days if we can get all the details and documents at the earliest.
To obtain a trademark certificate online, you can get in touch with Khata Dekho. We complete the whole process hassle free. If you need to file manually then visit the official website of the Trademark Registry and apply. The application can be filed either by yourself or through a trademark agent. Once the application is submitted, you can track its status online and respond to any objections raised by the Trademark Registry. If there are no objections, the trademark will be registered, and a certificate of registration will be issued to you.

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