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Trademark Watch

5,000+ Trademark Registrations since 2011

No more delays or difficulties! Register your business with India’s #1 provider of business incorporation services. Get a 7 day Guaranteed document upload to the MCA or receive a full refund T&C* 

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What is a Trademark Monitoring Service?

  • Registering a trademark is the first step towards protecting your brand name. A trademark is a symbol and can be anything from a name, picture, and word to even a label or a sound. Once registered, it can be a precious asset for a business, as with a trademark, the business can project its unique positioning to the consumers.
  • To ensure you have full control over it, you must keep a close watch on all the probable attempts by other businesses and individuals to register similar trademarks, even if they are related to other domains. While the Registrar does have its own set of rules for approving trademarks, more is needed to ensure that no similar or identical brand names are registered. This is where an international trademark watch company comes in; it will keep you informed of any similar brand names across the web or new applications at the trademark office, both in India and globally.

Types of Trademark Watch

There are three types of trademark watches. They are.

  • Identical trademark watch
  • Similar trademark watch
  • Trademark watch with opinion

Digital Trademark Monitoring – Step By Step Process

Step 1

You discuss your business and brand with our lawyers. The lawyers recommend the variations on your brand name that need to be tracked.

Step 2

We have access to the database of all trademark filings across industries. We keep a watch on all new filings. With the help of it, we capture the mention of similar or identical brands.

Step 3

We, as a trademark watch service provider, provide you with real-time information on any attempts by other businesses and individuals to register similar trademarks, even those in other domains. This can be done in India and globally.


What Are the Reasons for Choosing Our Trademark Watch Service? (Checklist)

We value trademarks as unique creations for promoting your brand. Hence, we design a customised digital trademark monitoring parameter to suit your unique needs while also considering your trademark watch service cost. Here is a checklist to understand why this is the best trademark watch service for you-

  • Our watch identifies similarities in word meanings. It is not restricted to mere similar/identical word matches
  • We leverage technology to identify visual and phonetic resemblances as well
  • We provide timely reports so that you can act fast to protect your intellectual property
  • We also have a user-friendly portal where you can store and review your watch reports
  • We offer cost-effective analysis
  • We offer volume discounts and affordable rates


Free Consultation and Documentation
  • Our Expert team resolve your queries. Our consultation is completely free.
Action Required by you
  • You Need to fill up the draft, Make Payment and Submit Documents to Khata Dekho
Action By Khata Dekho
  • Once the Documents are uploaded we’ll start the step -by-step process of Incorporation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

It’s of utmost importance to your business. The earlier a trademark misuse is identified, the easier it is for you to act against such infringements and to enforce your trademark rights.
You should register your trademark with the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
A registered trademark can be a precious asset for your business; with it, your business can project its unique positioning to consumers. By registering a trademark, you can also avoid potential litigations and future disputes and you can focus on the more important job of building your brand reputation.
Trademark watch is a service that keeps track of trademarks across all countries. Any identical or related trademarks owned by third parties can be found using this international trademark watch service.
Your trademark is likely to lose value if another one already exists that is identical to or confusingly similar to yours. This is due to the possibility that buyers can mistake the commercial origins of both trademarks, endangering your company’s success. Hence if you hire an trademark watch company that offers ongoing trademark application monitoring and enables prompt response to any discovered imitation, it will be useful for you.
Any firm or person who views their trademarks as a valuable asset for their operation is advised to use our trademark watch service. With the help of this service, you may keep track of new trademark applications and subsequently defend the rights that your own brand grants.
The specialist teams at KhataDekho maintain continuous surveillance of industrial property bulletins, employing the most advanced technology to constantly identify new applications that can, either directly or indirectly, harm your trademark. With our assistance, you will always have access to the most effective methods for combating imitations.

You must keep in mind that an LLP has to be registered with the Registrar of Companies (ROC). Additionally, every LLP has to have its own registered office. Partners must send an incorporation document to the Registrar, when needed and in the right format. The contents of the LLP also have to be filed in the registration form. These are some of the most important tips to keep in mind when wondering how to register a company.

The timeframe for LLP incorporation depends on document submission and government approvals. Khata Dekho can assist you in incorporating an LLP within approximately 14-20 days.

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